Creating solutions to end
the Toxic Drug Crisis.
We research & deliver formulations in a global market that is unmet & in critical medical need. Our aim is to provide solutions to the toxic drug crisis.
Licensed by Health Canada for the production and distribution of Psilocybin, MDMA, Coca, Cocaine, Diacetylmorphine, Morphine, Opium, Methamphetamine, Dexamphetamine and Psilocin.
The Solution
A three-part Approach
Saving Lives: We are rethinking a Naloxone delivery system to empower first responders, family members, or bystanders with a rapid means to revive individuals in the midst of an overdose.
Enhanced Safety in Medication Supply: Substituting hazardous street drugs with a safer, medically prescribed controlled substance supply.
Treatment: By addressing trauma and other underlying causes of substance use disorders, our approach, affectionately named ‘A Drop of Sunshine’, provides a path towards recovery using approved psychedelic medications.

Health Canada Authorized
Controlled Substances
Sales are only permitted to authorized accounts that have been verified and approved. Please read through Health Canada’s Guidelines and be familiar with the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA) before visiting our registration page to apply.
Psilocin ExtractPSI-1/5/10/25MG-CAP-SUN
3,4-Methylenedioxy- Methamphetamine (MDMA) HCLMDM-40/60/75M-ENC-SUN
Cocaine HClCOC-100-CAP-SUN
Methamphetamine HCIMET-20/30/50M-CAP-SUN
Diacetylmorphine (DAM) HClDIA-XMG-CAP-SUN
Featured in over 200 media outlets globally

The Licence
The Dealer’s Licence was issued in May 2022. Health Canada allows us to possess, produce, assemble, sell and transport Psilocybin, Psilocin, MDMA, Coca Leaf, & Cocaine, Diacetylmorphine, Morphine, Opium, Methamphetamine and Dexamphetamine. We do not sell controlled substances to the general public.
Sunshine Labs has also been granted a Precursors License, which means we are licensed by Health Canada for the import, export, production, packaging, sale and provision of precursor chemicals.
Quantities have been increased to allow for the provision to prescribers and pharmacists. We are actively building global partnerships with others who are working in this sphere. Sale is allowed to licensed dealers, pharmacists, practitioners, hospital employees or the Ministry. Account required.